Day 9- Blog Along Challenge- CRAZY Cat Antics and Happy Birthday !
Day 9- April 16, 2018
“ Crazy Antics of my Fur Babies and Happy Birthday”
We got Maggie Moo and Cassie at 3 months old at the Forgotten Cats organization. Their mother was feral and they were born in a vet hospital😸😸 omg…’s unbelievable how big they got !! Now they are 5 years old. When younger both could fit into that cat seat but NO WAY now……only one big girl fits in it at a time.
Are these the CUTEST Kitty pics or what ??? AND YES THEY KISS !!
It’s hilarious all the crazy antics they’ve done and mischief they’ve gotten into. I have endless stories !
So I’ll just give the highlights. Well they are from the same litter so they are twin girls . But did you know………cats can get pregnant by different male cats at same time so in one litter there could be different fathers! Yes……our vet tech told us that. I think my 2 girls might have different fathers indeed.
So in a list form I’ll list the unexpected and crazy things they’ve done:
They used to grab bananas off the counter and hide them under the couch…….lmao. I think because the texture reminded them of mice bodies…….ha!
Well this one is gross but if one vomits the other eats it ……if I don’t clean it up in time! I was shocked the first time I saw them attempt that 🙀🙀🙀
They will fight like cats and dogs ……but never draw blood….and then later snuggle together 😻😻 like 2 peas in a pod.
They are 5 years old TODAY !!
Cassie's Arm Around her Sister
They chew on plastic bags like chewing gum….never biting it off to swallow……just chew
We thought cats had to be trained by their mothers to catch mice but not so…….they brought upstairs from basement at two separate occasions mice they had caught in the cellar
Cassie is so laid back and not mischievous at all and yet out of the blue while petting her sometimes she’ll bite you chomping hard ! Whereas Maggie Moo who is so sneaky never bites anyone……..ha!
Cassie will lay like this for as long as a half hour.......ha!
As you’re walking by all of a sudden Maggie Moo will swipe or snag you with her paw and claws…..sometimes
They must stay in their cat room during work days and at night and in the morning they start throwing themselves against the door while meowing super loud……at least it sounds like that….not totally sure…..but we had to put a lock on door because they rattle the door knob too…….and I was pretty sure they’d open it one day……..ha!
We feed both the same amount of food yet Cassie is quite a bit heavier than Maggie Moo…….and they’re not over fed either
Cassie does this strange kneading thing which I know many cats do but she insists doing it on my legs and if I move them she’ll need on one leg with ALL 4 PAWS ! There’s hardly space but she insists on it yet not Maggie Moo
They both run to the door like dogs when doorbell rings……
Cassie will lie on her back as if playing dead for like a whole half hour
They insist on laying all over any papers or paperwork I’m doing. They love laying on paper
Any cardboard box that comes in the house they must immediately get in it to curl up in it
Maggie Moo fits perfectly inside this box.....
Same box......BUT Cassie cannot fit in it all the way.....but there's no stopping her trying to anyway.......if her sister did will she !!
ANYTHING new that comes in the house they must right away go to it and sniff it and I swear they are looking for a way to destroy it as well !! Many times they have messed up something new in the house…….jeeeesh
I love those 2 kitties sooooo much 😻❤️😻
Artfully Yours,,